Today we watched videos of college applications because our class is part grade 12 aswell. So Hanna, Graeme and I asked Mr. Wrigley if we could watch how to yodel with Bonnie. I suppose it really had nothing to do with this class, but then again neither does this post.. but back to those videos we watched today, one with foul language, it was rather humourous to be completely honest... so now i'm going to go back to speaking about bonnie. maybe i'll even photoshop a photo of her later on, and post it on my blog, but for now i will just post a photo of her i got off google. Yodeling with Bonnie number 1 is okay, but yodeling with Bonnie 2, and sideways yodeling... wow those are something else, like she has to cutest sweater ever? yeah not so much...