Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Last week we started photoshop and our first assignment was to take a photo taken in the class studio and distort it using the liquify feature. My photo looks a little bit odd, and it also looks like I have a bite taken out of me, and my eyes and nose are both rather large.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Around Korah

As the title of the collage says, this is a collage created in Corel DRAW, using photos I took yesterday around the school. There are many different pictures, such as lockers, signs, and random things around located within the school.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Photography Week One

For the past week in commtech we have been working on photography. Our assignment was to make a brochure in Corel DRAW. We had to take the 10 tips for great photos from the Kodak website. Also this week Hanna, Jessica, Kristen and I had a few photo shoots. Attached are a few of the photos taken for the tips, as well as a few photos from the photo shoots. Also There are pictures with our recently designed and produced "Timmy the Sheep" shirts.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Screen Printing in CorelDRAW

 This week we continued using Corel DRAW... this assignment we had to make 2 custom designs for either shirts or bags. One of the designs had to be Korah themed and the other was one of our choice. My choice one was a Timmy the Sheep one. Also we have to make a presentation on how to screen print. To screen print you must first select your design, then print it out on posi-paper. after you print it out, you place the image on a screen with emulsion (applied the day before and dried overnight). After the image is taped in place you place the screen on a light source and let the image burn into the emulsion. Next you take the screen to the wash station and get all of the burnt emulsion off leaving a blank space. Lastly you take the screen and place it in the contraption that holds the screen in place. You then take ink and use a squeegee to push the ink through and onto the shirt or whatever you are printing onto to.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I decided that in the next few days I will be posting all my Corel DRAW creations. So I will start with my notepads. The assignment was to create 4 custom designed notepads. The 4 themes they had to be were; a Korah one, a personal one, one for a client, and one advertising a tech class at Korah. These are my 4 designs..the first one is my Korah one, the next is my one for my "client" or in my case my employer, my communications technology one and my personal one is Taylor Swift

Corel DRAW in foods

Today we got an assignment to make a poster advertising a food. My project was an advertisement for bananas, everyone else used windows publisher... but I used Corel DRAW.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Post number 2 for the day. This one.... buttons. Unlike the last post this one will be short and sweet. So these are my buttons I made! One Korah one and my personal one was a drawing I made about living, loving and laughing. Next button being made is a Graeme Ellis button with his sayings "Oh No" and "Oh Hullo".

Corel DRAW

  I was going to do this post on the weekend but i forgot my pencil case in english, and in that pencil case was my memory stick. So needless to say i went to put the pictures on my computer, but I didnt have my memory stick. So here is my post....For the past few weeks we have been working with Corel Draw, and I must say it is amazing, so i downloaded the 30 day trial on my laptop! ahah. But anyways back to our past few weeks. First we just fiddled around with the program and drew random pictures. Above are my two favourite pictures that i drew. We also did  many other projects such as making our name look cool using many different effects that DRAW has to offer. We also made buttons, notepads and other random pictures using the effects they have. I will make a post of just pictures next. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


I'm finally starting to get used to this website, I finally figured out how to add videos and pictures. But continuing on with the post, this week in commtech, we read the chapter on animation, answered the 10 questions, wrote out the key terms, presented our stop motion animations, had a practical test on Corel RAVE, and also learned how to use Corel RAVE. Speaking of Corel RAVE it is now my favourite thing ever to do on the computer. attached is one of the images I created. or not seeing how it wont let me select browse to upload it.  But Hanna and I enjoyed the program so much that we spent multiple classes just drawing some pictures. I drew quite a few random pictures including a pig, a pumpkin, Hello Kitty, and a bunny rabbit.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Give Me Back That Filet O Fish... Give Me That Fish

Seeing how I'm done all the assignments for this class, I will work on my blog. This post is actually finished a day before its due instead of 2 weeks late... but anyways. For the past week my partner Hanna and I have been working on our claymation video. It took about 2 days to make all the props and characters out of clay, another 3 days to take all the pictures, then a day to put it all together and add sounds. The project is supposed to be a 5 second stop motion video made in Windows Movie Maker using 50 still photos, but Hanna and I's video is 21 seconds and uses 169 photos (I believe). Throughout making the video I learned how to set up a tripod, how to work our schools cameras and also that claymation takes alot, and I mean ALOT of hard work, effort and time. Graeme also helped Hanna and I quite a bit. He showed us things we didn't know before and just helped in general. Below is a copy of our video... I hope you enjoy it!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Post Number 3 ?

Well this post is a few weeks late, but its better late than never I suppose. But for the past few weeks we have been working with animation. We have answered sets of questions, made power points, about me videos and now were finally getting to the fun stuff. We were given a partner assignment to make a stop motion animation, So my partner is Hanna and we are making a claymation video. It starts out with a little fish swimming across the screen, next a bigger fish comes and eats that fish, then the biggest fish comes along and eats that fish. Next a fishing line catches the big fish. It then ends with a person at McDonalds eating a fillet-o-fish. So far Hanna and I have created our figurines out of clay, and today we began to take all the images to create the video.

Monday, September 20, 2010

2nd Post

Second week in commtech completed. So far we have done a 30 second about me media presentation and chapter one terms and questions. Next I have to finish post number 2 and my slide show presentation on Chapter 1. I also should study for the test on thursday, then we get to start the fun stuff, friday we are starting animation. Since starting this class there has been multiple times to take some photos, some of which i will post (if I can figure out how to do that.) There has been the pep rally and also East/West football game.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman

You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1st Post

So this is my first post, seeing how im not totally sure how this works yet, im sure i will at the end of this course tho :) I will follow my directions and answer these questions.
First off my objective for taking this course was to improve my photography skills, and learn new things to do with graphic designing, animation, video production and audio production. I also wish to improve my photo taking and photo editing skills. Yesterday was my first day in the class and also my first day of grade 10, so far I really enjoy this class and throughout this course I'm looking forward to pretty much everything this field has to offer. In the future I wish to persue a career in either photography or graphic designing, which is the main reason I took this course. Currently we are watching stop motion videos (this will be our first lesson in the class). Overall I really think this will be an enjoyable class and I'm looking forward for the rest of the semester.

Interesting Facts learned this week:
- if an error occurs in a memory card there is a program which is able to recover all pictures taken on the card